Check out this how-to video to improve your palm reading skills. Watch a few tips on how to read the fate line of your or someone else's palms. This video palmistry tutorial will help you divine the future or discover hidden meanings in your hands.
In this blessing, we express our gratitude to HaShem for the fact that our bodies continue to function properly. The Asher Yatzar prayer is over two thousand years old. This video explains how to say this Jewish bathroom prayer.
A supposed real grey alien caught on tape at the side of a road in California. Is this footage finally proof that grey aliens are visiting Earth? Has the alien invasion already begun? The man who filmed this video claimed he was driving his car at dusk, when he saw what he thought was a bear on the side of the road. After parking his car and getting out to investigate, a humanoid figure appeared to be standing in the woods. Immediately, the man pulled out his cell phone and began to film the...
From UFOs to geographical anomalies, today on ApexTV we look at 6 mysterious photos from the moon. A strange supposed two mile high spire sticking out of the surface of the moon, and a supposed triangular UFO caught on camera during one of the Apollo missions, there have been all sorts of mysterious photos from the moon.
What is the hard problem of consciousness? Why can't we find consciousness in the brain? What is the difference between consciousness and mind and how consciousness can explain a fundamental unity among all living beings.
Today we take a look at 5 insanely creepy deep sea creatures. From deep sea sharks that swallow their victims whole to eels that can eat animals several times their size, there are some pretty creepy deep sea creatures out there. After all, over 70% of the Earth is covered in water and humans have only explored less than 5% of it. Imagine what other amazing creatures could be lurking down there.
Today we look at the top 5 creepiest discoveries. From giant unexplained stone balls to a house with walls full of snakes, there have been some pretty creepy discoveries. What discovery do you think was the creepiest? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments below, thanks for watching!
An astronaut on the ISS took a picture of what some people are calling a UFO and posted it to Twitter. The astronaut, Scott Kelly, recently achieved the world record for the longest time spent in space by a US astronaut. The most rational explanation for the strange object in the top-right portion of the picture is that it is simply a reflection of lights from inside the International Space Station. However, conspiracy theorists are insisting that this UFO is proof of alien life. What do you...
Here is a too good to be true UFO sighting in Texas. This image of a UFO is part of a YouTube video that has gotten over 140,000 views. The video is of a supposed UFO sighting in Texas. The footage shows a saucer-shaped craft in extreme clarity.Most internet users are saying the footage is too good to be true. The footage was most likely made using computer graphics or some sort of small model. According to the video's caption, the viewers experienced a strange vibration when watching the UFO....
Here is a scary video of a real grey alien caught on tape in a barn. Is is real? What do you think? The video shows an alien first peeking it's head through a crack in a door before eventually slamming it shut. The cameraman goes into the barn to investigate, only to find the grey alien at the top level of the barn.
In this video, we count down the top 10 things that you probably didn't know about Area 51. From aliens and UFOs to the super secrecy of the "military base", Area 51 is riddled with mysteries. We look at some of those in this video along with other things you didn't know about Area 51.
Welcome to ALIEN WEEK! New alien videos everyday for a week! Only on ApexTV. Starting tomorrow, April 19, 2015 we will be releasing NEW alien videos everyday for the entire week, so be sure to tune in for the first video tomorrow! Come check out the ALIEN WEEK playlist here - .
Here's the scariest video of an alien that has ever been recorded. WATCH WITH THE LIGHTS ON... This WILL give you nightmares and could potentially ruin your life.
Could this be an actual live grey alien that was caught on tape at an unknown location in Brazil? Many argue that this is actual legitimate footage of a real grey alien in Brazil. What do you think?
Is this real grey alien caught on tape, or is it a hoax? Watch the video above and you can decide! You can also click this link to see more paranormal videos -
I am pretty convinced that this is real alien that has been caught on tape. If this is however hoaxed, it is done VERY WELL. Watch the video below and I will let you decide on whether or not this is real.
Here is an unidentified creature that has recently washed up on an unknown beach. Is this real, or just simple photoshop trickery? I will leave that up to you to decide, because after all we have only discovered 5% of the ocean. It is said that we know more about space than we do about our oceans.
Maha Shivratri, the night of the worship of Lord Shiva, occurs on the 14th night of the new moon during the dark half of the month of Phalguna. It falls on a moonless February night, when Hindus offer special prayer to the lord of destruction. Shivratri (Sanskrit 'ratri' = night) is the night when he is said to have performed the Tandava Nritya or the dance of primordial creation, preservation and destruction. The festival is observed for one day and one night only.
every christian must watch this video.and know the names to call the god in prayer or danger.1000 names are in bible to call god.i took only 10 top names.
Live Beyond Feng Shui consultation by Master Aur with guest Janine from Brisbane Australia. In this call Aur shows how that just by seeing a floor plan we are able to know many intimate details about a persons life.
Lucid dreaming, in which you're aware that you're dreaming, can be profoundly beneficial to us. It gives us freedom to do things we couldn't possibly do in the real world. It can show us the true potential of our brain power. You can even use lucid dreaming to question the nature of our own reality. For whatever reason, people everywhere are interested in this mysterious phenomenon...especially in achieving it.
A vast majority of Christians become discouraged as they journey through life. At times the journey could be very challenging, but there are incredible rewards for those who endure until the end. Jesus said he will not put more on us than we can bear. It is God's intention to makes us strong. For you as a Christian to endure the hardships of life, it is critical that you understand the intention and the purpose of God for bringing us through the process. 1. Foundations A large number of...
Inner Sky Electrum displays the tropical and sidereal zodiacs with the true stellar constellations, 12 kinds of lunar mansions (Xiu, Manazil, Nakshatras), illustrations from old Star Maps.Illustrations to be displayed in the celestial sphere zone: Hevelius, Grotius, Kircher, Abu Ma'shar, Abd al-Wahid, As-Sufi, Indian, Esna, Denderah, Athribis, reconstructed Sumerian-Babylonian, Chinese constellational lunar mansions.Illustrations to be displayed in the sidereal zodiac zone (1): Chinese lunar...
Is there something strange in your neighborhood? Don't bother with a phone call, just watch this video and learn how to build your own EM pump. An EM pump improves EVps and attract paranormal entities. If you are going ghost hunting, you need an EM pump.
How to Become a Christian - Eternal OptionsRealizing how to become a Christian is the most important discovery of your life! Becoming a Christian is more than joining a church or saying a prayer. It is a personal relationship that will last for eternity. Do you know what will happen to you the moment you die? Where will you find yourself? Where is your destination?
The base material for your doll can be anything 100% naturally made. Traditionally, sticks and twigs are used. Some people prefer to use corn husks, braided grass or similar items. The choice is yours, the only "rule" is that it be made of 100% natural materials. These sticks/twigs/husks/etc. will be shaped into a stick figure, one long piece for the body and one shorter (about 1/2 the length of the long one) for the arms.
This video shows you what the new zodiac signs are, so you can determine what your new astrological sign is. Are you a new Ophiuchus? What is Ophiuchus? This tutorial also gives you a brief rundown of the myth behind this new zodiac sign.
As a result of a wobble in the Earth's rotation, the zodiac has been revised. All the signs have shifted by a month, and a new sign has joined the traditional twelve. Find out what your new zodiac sign is!
If you don't know exactly what goes on during Hanukkah, this series of videos will set you straight. Hanukkah is the most recognized Jewish holiday, right around Christmastime, and Chaim from Maoz Israel is going to show you some traditional customs that are performed during the eight days of Hanukkah 2010. Learn about the menorah, sufgaiyots, the mysterious dreidel and the traditional Chanukah songs.
This video gives a perfect demonstration for starting out Hanukkah 2010 right. See how to light the shamash and the first candle (on the right) for the first night of Hanukkah, along with all three blessings that need to be made.
You don't need to be an authentic palmist to know the meaning behind your lines. If you want to explore the meanings behind the lines in the palm of your hand, Jim Winter is the man to learn it from. Here, he teaches the ATTACHMENT lines, also called AFFECTION lines, MARRIAGE lines and even UNION lines. These are very popular lines to read. See how attach in matters of love and how deep you commit yourself.
In this video, Peter John analyzes the right hand in palm reading. Once you have the hand turned over, you will see lines that are underneath the middle finger. The half line means that someone is emotional because the line arcs more than usual. The person also likes to show their emotion and have the emotions shown to them. Then bait line on the side of the hands should be slightly clear, which will tell how affectionate someone is and how much they show love. Right hand palm reading can be a...
In this tutorial, we learn how to read the intuition and success lines in palm reading. The affection lines are the lines that go vertically and are underneath your pinkie. The lift line is the line in the middle of your palm the curls to the right. The head line is in the middle of the hand and meets up with the life line, this line shows success in business. It also shows someone that will go into business and tends to take control of businesses. The ring around the pointer finger also shows...
Jim Winter gives you a complete lesson on reading the Line of Mercury (or Mercury Line) on your hand. The palmistry meaning behind the Mercury Line deals a lot with communication and also deals with health and the liver, which is why it's also sometimes called the Liver Line or Health Line. Watch to see the complete deals for this palmistry tutorial.
In this video we learn how to pray in Islam by making Salaat. First, make the intention from the heart to pray to Allah. Ten, you will recite the prayer out loud saying "Allah is the greatest. In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful, all praise is due to Allah, Lord of all that exists. The most gracious the most wonderful master of the day of judgment." Continue to say the rest of the prayer as you are crossing your hand and focusing on your prayer. Repeat this several times and...
These days, it is a lot easier and a lot less time consuming to order ecards on the computer. Not to hint at, it is more cost effective and better for the environment.
This video tutorial is in the Spirituality category which will show you how to read affection lines in palmistry with Peter John. The affection lines are at the edge of the palm under the little finger. These are also referred to as marriage lines. When it curves downwards and crosses the heart line, it implies an emotional upset in the marriage. But, you got to look at the heart line also to determine how the person will feel towards the event. When it curves upwards and crosses the flange of...