It's never a good idea to wake the dead, or to try to communicate with spirits. You never know what sort of sleeping beasts you may awaken. But, if you're really keen on it and are wondering how to conduct a seance of your own, check out this video. You will get a quick tutorial on how to set the mood, place the food offering, call the spirit and speak with it. Also includes some troubleshooting tips, should things go awry, in which the most inevitably will.
Holli Holi. Nope, this isn't a Neil Diamond song ("Holly Holy"), but a colorful festival celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs to welcome the spring. Holi is the Hindu and Sikh festival of color, usually done in the first or second week of March. Holi is also well known for it's mischievous nature and merrymaking fun, so for all of you Good Indian Girls out there, this is the time to make your colors real shine! Watch this video to learn a little bit more about Holli and how to celebrate it.
If you're a Taurus, you must know your personality traits depicted by astrology and horoscopes, and if you don't know them, this video will help you understand how big of influence your zodiac sign can be. Watch and learn what a Taurus's dominant traits are and if they describe you or not.
In this tutorial, we learn how to use Tarot cards and perform readings with Peter John. When you start to learn how to read cards to clients, you will first lay the cards out on the table. Then, the person who you are reading to will choose the cards from the pile. Depending on the card that they choose, you will read to them the description of what this card means. Then, you will delve deeper to tell them how it tells about their life and what their future will hold. After they are finished...
In this video, Peter John teaches us how to palm read the right hand and changes. The square hand is usually the practical side of the person. Where the thumb comes out from the side of the hand shows a person of extravagance. When the thumb is closer to the hand it shows a person who clings or holds onto their money. A line underneath the pointer finger means the person is going to go into business. A line coming out from underneath that means someone who controls their emotions and can make...
In this video, we learn how to palm read the straight heart line and head line. If the thumb is farther away from the hand this means they like to spend money a lot and don't hold onto it. The line across the top of the hand that is straight is very rare. Islands on this line mean there is a setback in this person's life doing with love. Lines underneath the fingers shows someone who is helpful and hard working. The heart line shows the emotions of someone and how they feel about themselves or...
In this tutorial, Peter John teaches us how to palm read: Crosses & islands on the main lines. Lines in the hand show how a person makes a change. When there is an island on the hand, this means the person needs to slow down and be careful. This could also mean their work is going to slow down or something in their career is going to change. If the island continues on throughout the hand, this means the person will manage to carry on and stay within their line of work when they are challenged....
Peter John teaches us how to explain Tarot cards & reading with Peter John. Tarot cards come from the playing cards era and there are many different types of tarot cards on the market. These work by the person that picks the specific cards. When someone picks a certain type of card, this will tell something about themselves or what is going to happen in their future. The larger cards are harder to use and the smaller are more frequently used. Some tarot cards will explain what they mean on...
Peter John teaches us how to palm read: The squares on the palm in this tutorial, Squares come in all sizes all around the palm of the hand. If they come on the lifeline, this will mean that a person has a certain amount of protection in their life. If they have boxes that are overlapping, this will mean that a person is going to have a change in their life but they are going to be okay throughout it. The square is like the protection that surrounds the events that are going to happen in the...
In this Spirituality video tutorial you will learn how to palm read; crosses and islands on the main lines. These very often come on the main lines and sometimes they show a lot of changes in the person's life. If there is a cross on the heart line, it implies an emotional change. It could be a divorce. Islands on the heart line imply upsets; like an upset in marriage. Islands in the head line are often there because of a slowdown, may be they have changed their thinking or may be they have...
In this video, Peter John teaches us how to palm read the heart and head line on the palm. When you see the heart line come across the mounds of Jupiter, you will be able to tell if someone is going to be wealthy. If the heart line is broken up, this shows the person has extra emotions. The heart line going towards the mounds of Jupiter is someone who is looking for a perfect mate to be with. When the heart line crosses and goes between the first and second person, it means that this person is...
In this Spirituality video tutorial you will learn how to palm read with Peter John. If the heart line, the first line on top of the palm, is well formed and curves around towards the center of the first finger, the person is quite good and balanced. If the head line is quite long along the palm and bends towards the lower part of the palm, the person is more practical and mathematical. When you see more than one line on the mount of Apollo or the mount of Sun, the person could take more than...
In this detailed, creepy, video series you learn and understand the fundamentals of having an Out of Body Experience (OBE) or Lucid Dreaming. Everything from a clear explanation fo "The Phase", getting started, deepening of the experience, and much more.
Peter John shows palmistry students how to give the subject of your palm reading career advice. Know what to look for on the head, heart, fate and life lines to be able to tell what career your subject is ideally suited for, or if they should make a career change.
New students of palmistry might get thrown in a reading when they encounter a broken line, or one that changes. Peter John demonstrates how to give a good palm reading even when the head, heart or life lines change or break on the hand. He also shows how to detect a change in your subject's future
Many beginning students of palmistry erroneously believe that when the hand lines meet on the palm, it indicates death for the reading. Peter John rejects this notion and explains what connected lines really mean, and how to interpret each line individually.
Peter John displays his Rider-Waite deck and explains the differences in other variations of the Tarot cards, including describing what a beginner should look for when buying a new deck. He also demonstrates how you can use playing cards to give a reading.
Peter John, an accomplished expert in palmistry, demonstrates how to properly understand what it means when your palm reading subject has a long hand and long lines on the palm. He indicates what to look for to indicate intelligence and good communication skills in your subject.
When the Emperor and Empress cards both appear in the same reading, they often indicate a wiser, older married couple - such as parents or grandparents. Peter John explains what it means when these two Major Arcana cards in the tarot deck appear together in a reading.
What happens when the subject of your palm reading has a broken head, heart or life line? Peter John, an expert in the art of palmistry, explains this difficult question for palm readers and how to interpret what this means for your subject.
A short life line on someone's palm doesn't necessarily mean your subject is going to have a short life. Palmistry guru Peter John explains the relationship between a short life line and the mount of Venus when giving a palm reading.
The Celtic Cross spread is a versatile way to give a divination which can explain the past, present and near future for your querent. Peter John gives a sample Tarot card reading and demonstrates how to use the Celtic Cross spread.
Peter John gives another example reading of the tarot cards using a variation of the Celtic Cross spread. This reading is useful to explain not only what is currently surrounding your querent, but also to give a divination over the next six months.
If you're giving a palm reading to someone who has short lines on their hand (the head line, the heart line and the life line), or looking to expand your knowledge of palmistry, Peter John explains what the appearance of these short lines mean.
Is the querent for your tarot card reading destined to become someone famous? Are they looking for a way to gain recognition? Peter John explains which Tarot cards to look out for if your subject is seeking fame and fortune.
The left hand indicates what your subject has inherited from their family. Giving a reading on the left hand is different than the right, even for the same person. Peter John lays out a few palmistry principles if you want to give someone a palm reading on their left hand.
This quick lesson helps a student of palmistry give an accurate reading for a subject who has a very long hand, especially if the heart line lies low on the palm. Learn the palmistry principles which indicate an analytical and mathematical person.
Peter John explains how to interpret the appearance of a Major Arcana card in a reading using the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. He shows how the High Priestess and Empress cards indicate that a pregnancy might be in the future for your querent.
Peter John, an expert in palmistry, walks you through a sample reading of someone's hand. He explains how to interpret the various parts of the palm, such as the life line, head line and heart line, to give a full and accurate palm reading.
Many people who perform tarot card readings use only the Minor Arcana - the court cards and the twos through aces of each suit. Peter John teaches the way to explain the Minor Arcana of the Rider-Waite deck and how to incorporate it into your next divination.
Some spreads for giving a Tarot reading ask you to pick one of the court cards from the Minor Arcana to represent the querent. Peter John presents an easy system using hair color and age to select the right card for your client.
Palmistry expert Peter John lays out in four lessons the key to understanding the double head line when giving a palm reading. Learn what it means when the head line connects to the life line or heart line, or how to tell an ambitious person from an intuitive one by looking at their hand.
Most of the time, a divination using the Tarot cards will be performed for someone else. But if you have your own questions about the future, Peter John teaches you how to use a simple three card spread for a Tarot card reading when you are the querent.
Dreams may be defined as succession of thought, images or feelings experienced during sleep but they also provide avenue to learn about ourselves, psyche, and about the mysteries of life. Many people have been conditioned to believe that dreams are unreal and illusory, but no matter what we believe the dream world is as real as our waking state.
In this video, we learn how to understand the triangles on the lines while palm reading. The triangle on the lifeline shows that any obstacles the person goes through will be in their thirties. It will also say that they can get back onto their feet quite easily. Any set backs or accidents are minor and they won't have distress for too long. If the triangle is on the heart line, it will show that the person has a certain mount of security in friendships and/or relationships, that can help them...
In this tutorial, we learn how to palm read Madonna. Her hand shows she has a practical mind and her fingers are the same length. This gives a sign that someone is ambitious. The ring on her first finger gives the person a manner of difficulties and problems connected with their career. The pinkie finger away from the ring finger shows a need for independence. A square palm says that she has a need to move and other people are attracted to her. The lines on her hand how that she loves others...
In this tutorial, we learn how to explain the broken heart line in palm reading. When a hand has a heart shape going towards the heart, but is broken this shows someone will be sympathetic and have a heartbreaking change in their life. There will be a break in the heart and their emotions will be tested. Look at the lines to make sure it's going towards the heart and not the head. The line to the head is curved. The shapes of the fingernails can tell if someone is cautious or if they hold onto...
Peter John teaches us how to red tarot cards in this tutorial. You will need to clear your mind before you begin to read, as well as relax. Now, take your cards and lay out a few of them in front of you. It doesn't matter which you lay out or how you lay them out. Now let your imagination take over while you look at the cards. Try to piece them together in any form that you prefer. Make a story for the cards that fits together. Using your imagination will bring out your psychic ability,...
This video tutorial is in the Spirituality category where you will learn how to tap into your intuition with EFT with Elise Lebeau. There are two parts to turning on your intuition. First you will use the EFT tapping technique to release any past negative beliefs or experiences. Then you will use it again to reinforce a positive belief that will allow you to tap in to your intuition and to act on them. You don't need to know anything about EFT. In this technique 8 acupressure points are...
In this tutorial, we learn how to palm read the hart line and affection line. When we get two affection lines close together, it's a sign of a marriage or common law relationship is in your life, and that there is an affair happening outside the marriage. If there are three lines, that means there will be more than one marriage, and the last one will last the longest. Two lines can also mean that you will have two great loves in your life, as well as two marriages. Lines that come down towards...
Magic. Does it really exist? Can you really put a hex on somebody… or a love spell? Can you really cast supernatural spells? Believing is up to you, but anyone can be bewitching with the help of a little black — and white — magic.
Do not ask me how, but somehow Octopus Paul of the Sea Life aqarium in Oberhausen, Germany, has an uncanny talent for predicting World Cup Winners. Paul predicts by placing shells in designated boxes.
Well, everyone knows about palm-reading from the front. How about a switch then? In this video, you'll learn how to palm-read the back of the hand. Would that still count as "palm" reading? You'll actually be reading the fingers and knuckles of your hands. This can give you some great insights.
Not everyone has the "Sun" or "Apollo" line on their palm. For those lucky enough to have it, such a line indicates many potential gifts and popularity! Watch this video as Jim Winters explains how to identify the Sun line and what it indicates for the individuals who have them.
This short lesson in palm reading explains the heart line on the right hand. You'll learn how to separate the life line from the heart line and see where it intersects. You'll learn that a broken heart line denotes a significant emotional change. You'll see how to determine where changes happen at certain ages in a persons life. Find out how to understand certain lines that show career changes later on in life. Learn that lines intersecting off the heart line denotes relationship changes...
This speech from Duke University takes you through the basics of understanding the philosophy of metaphysics. One of the first lessons is the danger of religion without philosophy and how it can lead to a moral blank check. Learn about sacred space verses profane when talking about reality and how reality is multidimensional. You'll receive a beginners lesson on Rigveda and the beginning if Hinduism one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world. Also, you'll get a lesson on human energy...
Intrigued by the world of palm reading? Understand the secrets of the palm with help from this video presented by Chuan Online. In this video, the secrets of palmistry, hand shapes and lines are revealed!
Have you mastered lucid dreaming, but want to take it to the next level? In this 10-part video tutorial series, you'll learn some great advanced techniques for lucid dreamers. Watch this tutorial series for excellent advice. You'll be able to explore and go beyond your ordinary dreams, from controlling them to mastering them.
If you've ever wondered whether you could learn to control what happens in your dream, wonder no more! It's called "lucid dreaming". This 10-part video tutorial series will walk you through different stages of lucid dreaming, and soon you'll not only be able to recognize when you're dreaming, but you'll be able to control your dreams and take it into whole new directions! The sky's the limit!
Krazyboytx shows viewers how to make Florida Water! You do not have to have every single oil listed if you cannot find the oils in this recipe. Also, make sure you add something of yours also! Make your Florida water personal. First you will need 2 cups of vodka, 2 tablespoons of rose water, 16 drops of bergamot oil, 12 drops lavender oil, 6 drops mai chang oil, 3 drops rosemary, 2 drops Jasmine and your own oil! First pour your vodka into a large mixing bowl. Next, mix in your oils! Stir these...
Just because it's called palm reading doesn't mean it's only "palm" reading. Palmistry involves more than mere palms — it looks at all parts of the grasping side of the hand, including the fingers. And in this two-part video from Jim Winter, a professional palmist, tarot reader, face reader and graphologist, you will learn the secret, underlying meaning behind a person's fingers. Knowing the digits is just as important as knowing the sweaty palm.
Krazyboytx shows viewers how they can use spell Florida water. You can use Florida Water to cleanse your alter and for your candles. First, you will need a camfur block. Use one of the four pieces of the camphor block and put this piece into a zip-lock bag. Crush this camphor block up into the zip lock bag to get small crystal pieces. Fill up your bowl as much as you can with one block. Next, pour in some of your Florida water up to about it covering the stones. Put this on your alter until it...
In this video Krazyboy shares his method of creating a spiritual bath. Krazyboy suggests that while spiritual baths are often known to help cleanse the soul, you can also imbue it with an intent (such as love, luck, success). The idea behind a spiritual bath is cleansing and white. A nice feature of spiritual baths is being able to customize it, including ingredients that feel right to you. To begin, fill a large bowl about half way with holy water/new moon water/spring water. Next, add a...
Krazyboytx shows viewers how to make Wiccan offering stones. These can be used for when you take something for nature and you leave the Wiccan offering stone. Everything in these need to be organic so they will break down easily. You can add anything to the stones you would like such as crystals and glitter. Mix 2 cups of organic flour, 2 cups spring water, 1 cup sea salt, 2 tablespoons of organic oil and 1 tablespoon of cream of tartar. Mix this up in a pan. Cook it until all the wet...
Krazyboytx shows viewers how to charge their spell oil. You only have to charge your oil once a year. First, you need the mindset and intent for the oil. Get yourself a candle will all different color layers and as a stone choose something all purpose such as quartz crystal - put these in the carrier oil. First, you need to be in a comfortable position. Next, put your carrier oil in front of you with the lid open. Breathe in through your nose for four counts and then breathe out. Make sure you...
This video shows how to visualize and see auras. Close your eyes and begin to relax your mind by gently breathing and thinking 'sooo' and 'hummm'. Once you're relaxed, dim the lights in your room and stand in front of a white background. Take a look at your hand against the white background and focus on the faint color while keeping yourself relaxed. Focus on it and the color will strengthen eventually. When the color has become more clear, you have now seen the aura. Practice on seeing the...
Krazyboytx shows viewers hot to make a witch's lucky mojo bag! First, you should light a green candle before you even start the ritual and anoint this with lotus stone oil! You will need a lodestone, a toka bean, a green mojo bag, dropped tears, spring water and seeds of paradise. Take the lodestone and boil it. Drop the lodestone in the spring water. You either bathe with this water or drink the water - without the lodestone. Next, get the toka bean and put it in your hand and make a wish. Put...