This tutorial shows Jewish men and boys over the age of 13 how to put on Tefillin. ...
Metta bhavana, or loving-kindness meditation, is one of the two simplest meditations in Buddhism. It helps develop positive feelings towards all other living creatures. ...
James (The Amazing) Randi speaks on spoon/key bending and hidden picture reproduction. These were tricks pulled by Uri Geller to show he had psychic powers. Arthur C Clarke was one of many who spoke o ...
Reconciliation, or penance, is one of Catholicism's seven sacraments, and followers are expected to go to confession at least once a year. Rest assured that the priest, bound by the seal of confession ...
It really is possible to bring out a persons psychic ability, why? because it is already buried somewhere inside everyone who has a heartbeat! John Green helps you develop your psychic ability in this ...
Praying the rosary is one of the Catholic church's most popular devotions and enduring images. You may want to dedicate the Rosary to a specific intention, like a sick friend or relative. ...
This video is for the people out there who want to learn how to make a real psi ball. ...