Ever wanted to stay up all night at a friend's sleep-over or just trying to stay awake at New Year but couldn't because you fell asleep? Do you just want to stay awake? If you do, read on!
Ghost hunters often believe that there is a type of energy in modern electronics that spirits use to channel to the real world. Read on to learn how you can search for ghosts using your electronics.
Yawn...yawn..yawn! Is that all you can do? Probably if you clicked on this page. To learn how to get out of bed faster when your body is running on little rest, try these steps:
Sometimes, when you've had a rough day, you just want to be able to slip into your dreams. But how do you fall asleep when your so busy worrying? there is an easy way-read on
In order to discover for yourself the meaning of astrology, you must ask yourself "Is there any proof to the claims of astrology?" Consider the following carefully:
Adjustable beds allow you to elevate your head and/or feet, giving you greater comfort for everything from watching TV to recovering from major surgery. Queen and King sized adjustable beds can be “split”, allowing each side to be elevated independently. Adjustable beds can help people with a variety of physical ailments.
If you are interested in the paranormal or supernatural, you may be thinking about expanding your interest into a hobby by becoming a ghost hunter. Read on to learn some basic steps and tips that will help you explore this highly controversial hobby.
Having bad dreams? Dreams of past occurrences? I have the same thing and I created something that works for me but it also might work for you. Just follow the steps and soon these dreams will be gone.
This article is on how to get ready for bed. Everyone needs to go to bed right? Then you must know what to do before you get into bed or else in the morning...you will be trouble.
Playing paintball with a psiball is a fun activity for developing psychics. It is a great way to develope techniques for making psiballs, and throwing them. For this, you need to know how to make a psiball (don't worry about making them visible, that will take practice.)
So you have a busy life, and don't have enough time to do everything that you need to do. Well to get more done you have to be awake. This article shows you how to stay up for up to three days straight. (The record is 264 hours, 11 days and nights, but don't get any ideas! And think about it, would you really want to be sleeping for a week afterwards?)
"Shamanism: Other Worlds" explores the ancient spiritual Amazonian enlightenment drug Ayahuasca. This documentary investigates Ayahuasca and its use largely as a religious sacrament. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is performed in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples like the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia. The religion Santo Daime uses it. While non-native users know of the...
In Judaism, men customarily cover their heads with a skullcap as a sign of humility before God, though it is not mandated by law. In Hebrew, it is called a kippah; in Yiddish, a yarmulke. In Europe, the custom dates to the end of the 16th century. Learn how to wear a kippah (yarmulke) with this Howcast guide.
This simple meditation is a very effective way to create inner stillness, bringing the mind into peace and quiet. It's a great tool for practicing the art of concentration, and for stopping the endless chatter of the mind. There is wonderful feedback from everyone who has tried it. Hope you enjoy the deep relaxation that comes as a result of concentrating the mind. Try this infinity meditation from Brahma Kumaris Meditation.
The most widely known Christian prayer dates all the way back to Jesus himself. It can be found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, though Matthew's version is the one most commonly used. Learn how to say the Lord's prayer.
Karma is an idea that exists in the Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Sikh religions, which simply holds that all actions have consequences. In other words: karma's not a bitch, but you might be. If so, here's how to start sending the world good vibrations. Learn how to store up some good karma for yourself.
Learn how to use dowsing rods for ghost hunting. Actually, dowsing rods were more commonly used to find hidden water wells in the ground, or for finding unmarked graves. This video tutorial will show you the basics of dowsing rods.
Jilted by a would-be lover? Try a good old-fashioned hex and change his mind. Learn how to cast a love spell with this Howcast video. You will need a pink candle and a vase of pink flowers, like roses or gardenias.
Dreams don't have a one-size-fits-all meaning. But here are the broad interpretations of the most common ones, as well as tips for deciphering your quirkier journeys. All you need are dreams & a pen and paper. Did you know? The average person has 5 dreams a night.
Learning how to lucid dream—that is, to be aware during your dreams that you are, indeed, dreaming—will allow you to live out fantasies, stop nightmares, and even road test some solutions to real life problems. You will need a dream journal and an alarm clock.
Here are some meditation tips from Tara Stiles. Tara Stiles is a revered Ford Models yoga instructor. Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. It is recognized as a component of almost all religions, and has been practiced for over 5,000 years.
This instructional video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to perform Havdallah after Shabbat ends. Hadvallah is a Jewish religious ceremony that marks the symbolic end of Shabbat and holidays, ushering in the new week.
This instructional video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to put on a tallit for Jewish prayers. The tallit (or tallis or tallith) is shawl used for Jewish prayer, worn while reciting morning blessings and well as in the synagogue on Sabbath and holidays.
This instructional video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to tie your own tzitzit (or tzitzis). Tzitzis are fringes or tassels worn by observant Jews on the corners of four-cornered garments, including the tallit (prayer shawl). They are considered a time-bound commandment, which means they are worn only by men. This Judiasm video will help you learn how to tie, knot and twist strings - tzitzit - to a garment.
This instructional video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to light the Shabbat candles. The lighting of Shabbat candles not only ushers in the Holy Day, but is also a special time of spiritual contemplation for Judaists. It is the pivotal moment when we cross over from the weekday into the holiness of Shabbat (or Shabbos, the Jewish Sabbath).
This animated video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to wash your hands in accordance with Jewish law before eating bread. Besides cleanliness and holiness, the instant reason the rabbis call for washing before bread is to keep alive the memory of the proper treatment of teruma (the first priestly tithe that may be eaten only by kohanim and their instant families, and that must be eaten only in the absence of any tum'ah – ritual defilement).
This animated video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to affix a mezuzah to a doorpost. In Judaism, the mezuzah (or mezuza) is a parchment inscribed with religious texts that is attached in a case to the doorpost or doorframe of a Jewish house as a sign of faith.
When Christians are out celebrating Christmas this year, Judaists will be out celebrating Hanukkah, or Chanukah, which is a lesser Jewish festival that lasts eight days from the 25th day of Kislev (December), and commemorating the rededication of the Temple; it is marked by the successive kindling of eight lights.
The tai chi ritual demonstrated in these instructional videos aims to teach that grace is always present. Practice feeling it and it becomes more and more real. Grace is real and can be felt and experienced. With practice it sweetens every thought, coats nerves so they can relax. Follow along with this new age spirituality how-to video series and learn about the beauty of surrender, let go of everything, and go with the flow.
Your ghostly guest may not take up much space, but your house isn't big enough for the both of you. Age-old traditions can help that spirit move out and move on. Ghosts may need to communicate so try asking if it needs to tell you something. There are lots of ways to bless and exorcize spirits and supernatural beings from a home, just follow along with the tips in this how-to video. Check out this instructional video and learn how to get rid of ghosts.
Palm reading can be complicated because chirognomy, the study of the mounts of the hand, sometimes contradicts chiromancy, the study of the lines of the hand. For that reason, it's best to do a reading as a whole. In this particular video palmistry tutorial, Peter John explains the significance of dots in the head, heart, and life line, highlighting the areas on a detailed map of the hand. Watch this instructional palm-reading video and learn how to interpret the meaning behind dots in the...
There are several different patterns used to predict the future from tarot cards. Peter John demonstrates a psychic-reading lay out in this step-by-step video guide. Watch this video fortune-telling tutorial from Peter John and learn how to give a psychic tarot card reading with a crystal ball.
There are several different patterns used to predict the future from tarot cards. Peter John demonstrates a psychic card lay out useful for over-the-phone readings in this step by step video guide. Watch this video tutorial from Peter John and learn how to give a psychic tarot card reading over the phone.
Palmist and astrologer Peeter John explains the right, left, and active hand for palm-reading in this how-to video. The active hand is the dominant hand which is more important to be interpreted for palmistry. This video also suggests a method for determining which is the active hand. Watch this video palmistry tutorial from Peter John and learn how to distinguish the active hand for a palm reading.
Astrologist and palmist Peter John demonstrates some of the basics of palm-reading in this how-to video. Everything from the lines in the hand to way the hands are held can reveal deeper meanings about a personality. This lesson covers the significance of the space between the fingers. Watch this video palmistry tutorial from Peter John and learn how to interpret the meaning of the space between the fingers when palm reading.
There are several different patterns used to predict the future from tarot cards. Peter John demonstrates a twenty-one card lay out in this step by step video guide. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to interpret the meaning of the card placement in a 21 tarot card lay out.
There are several different patterns used to predict the future from tarot cards. Peter John demonstrates a 15 to 21 card lay out in this step by step video guide. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to interpret the meaning of the card placement in a fifteen to twenty-one tarot card lay out.
Astrologist and palmist Peter John demonstrates the basics of a palm reading in this how-to video. The deeper meaning behind hand shape, strength, and even the way they carry their hands, reveal deeper meanings about their personality. Watch this video palmistry tutorial from Peter John and learn how to interpret the deeper meanings hidden in the hands.
Check out this supernatural tutorial video that offers 7 tips on getting started in becoming a paranormal investigator. Just follow these simple steps:1. Read books and research as much as you can about ghosts and the paranormal.2. Take classes pertaining to the paranormal.3. Gather the right equipment.4. Choose an appropriate location.5. Try out your equipment and practice investigating. 6. Take notes and review your evidence.7. Find or create your own community of An abundance of paranormal...
EVPs or electronic voice phenomena are sounds that cannot be perceived by the human ear, but can be picked up by a recorder and played back after the fact. With some tips, start ghost-hunting on your own. Watch this video paranormal tutorial and learn how to record an EVP for supernatural research.
Tim Derr from the East Coast Trans-communication Organization shows how to properly use dowsing rods during an investigation. Dowsing rods help pick up spirit communication and is a great way to back up other paranormal research. They take a lot of practice and a little bit of technique. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to use dowsing rods while ghost-hunting, communing with spirits or the dead, or any other paranormal investigation.
Austin Paranormal Investigations shows howto record your own EVP. EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena. Some people believe that spirits or ghost can cause voices to be recorded on tape. In this video Katrina tells you how you can test this for yourself. EVPs are one of the tools that ghost hunters or paranormal investigators try to use to obtain evidence of the supernatural. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to record EVPs.
Wally from the East Coast Trans-communication Organization explains a little about collecting EVPs. EVPs, or electronic voice phenomena, are supernatural sounds that can't be heard by the human ear, but can be recorded by a tape recorder and then played back to hear any messages from the beyond. Watch this video paranormal tutorial and learn how to document EVP electronic voice phenomena with the help of a tape recorder.
Ronnie from the East Coast trans-communication organization explains how to use the group's DVR Unit and why it's so important to the team. A DVR unit consists of a unit, monitor, and the cameras that feed into it, and are used to capture supernatural research. Infrared and night vision cameras are especially useful in recording paranormal activities. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to use a DVR unit while ghost-hunting or doing supernatural research.
This video provides a basic introduction to movement of flags in praise and worship. Demonstrated are various flag moves, involving either one or two praise flags, specifically the basic figure 8, basic figure 8 turned side to side, horizontal figure 8, overhead figure 8s, crossover figure 8s, double figure 8s, double overhead figure 8s, and double crossover figure 8s. Watch this video Christian spirituality tutorial and learn how to use praise and worship flags to celebrate your love of God.
Looking for a way to become centered, focused and at peace? Practice simple meditation techniques with tips from a registered hatha yoga instructor in this free yoga video.
Shaikh Yusuf Estes teaches parents the way to keep they're teenagers praying. While many parents think that bringing a child up a Muslim right when they can talk, the prophet has already said that the age of 7 is the age to teach a child how to pray. The more a child is genuinely brought up with the love of Allah, the more likely they will be to pray. Watch this video Islamic theology tutorial and learn how to persuade a Muslim teenager to pray.
This video tutorial teaches you about kinesiology also known as muscle testing so that you can test your DNA activation level or whether or not certain foods will be healthy for your body. A kinesiology muscle test will allow you to find out answers to questions about your body that your conscious mind is not aware of but your body does. Watch this instructional video and learn how to practice kinesiology and perform a basic muscle test.
Kinesiology, or human kinetics, is the science of human movement. This simple muscle self-test turns your body into a lie detector. Your body subconsciously knows things that the conscious mind isn't aware of. Watch this video kinesiology tutorial and learn how to do a simple muscle test.
The ten card lay out is the most basic lay out for predicting the future with tarot cards. Peter John shows how to interpret the meaning of card placement in this video tarot guide. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to read a ten card tarot lay out.
This step by step video tarot reading guide from Peter John shows how to set up the cards and how to interpret the meaning of the positions of the cards. Use this pattern to predict the near future. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to read a tarot card lay out for the next six month period.